are we?
Proyecto de Vida (Life Project) is a private assistance institution with 15 years of experience that shelters kids and adolescentes who lost their parents' care. We are located in the state of Querétaro, Mexico.

Provide a dignifying alternative of life for kids and adolescents that we attend, by offering them the tools for their holistic development (human, academic, spiritual and social).

Actually, we attend 35 kids and adolescents who are between 5 and 18 years old that lost their parents' care and are under the protection of the state of Querétaro.

Potentiate our beneficiaries in the construction of their own life project.
Strenght and Transparency
Regulated by the "Private Assitance Institutions Board of Querétaro"
Authorized as a "Social Assistance Center" by the National System for the Comprehensive Development of the Family.
"Authorized Donee" by S.A.T. (Mexican I.R.S.)
Recongnized member of the Mexican Center for Filantrophy (CEMEFI) for its Institutionality and Transparency.
Main Programs
Physical Health
- Preventive and curative medical attention.
- Nutrition.
- Physical exercise.
- Self-care and hygiene habits.

Mental Health
- Psychologcial attention (individual, with age group, with siblings) .
- Development of social emotional abilities.
- Special psychiatric treatment for cases that need it.
Humane education
- School
- Remedial courses.
- Cultural, artistic and spiritual education.
- Social abilities.
- Routines and habits.

Independent life
- Labour training for adolescents.
- Financial habits.
- Vocational orientation.
- Mobility.
- Entrepreneurship.
- Follow-up with graduates.

Brief History